Definitely Wasn’t Expected This…

Much could be said, but it’s probably better to just watch:

And thanks to Rolling Stone for pointing out that this wasn’t the first time:

The Upside to Going in Circles

This is one of the best times of year for sunsets in our neck of the woods/city. My favorite place to enjoy it is the Chestnut Hill Reservoir, where the running path has been revamped in the last two years – widened, smoothed, with weeds kept at bay.  It doesn’t boast sailboats like the Charles, but it has a nice beginning and end, full circle, without streams of bicycling commuters zipping by too close or too fast.  You go around one side almost blinded by sun, and come back around the other casting 20-foot shadows for the cars on Beacon to admire.  Students, older Brookline residents, parents with strollers, a few guys fishing – a nice slice of life to pass or be passed by.

When you finish your laps, refuel with a protein-filled snack. A recent cabinet-rummage inspired these banana treats, which hardly need a recipe – just assemble and eat. They will fill you up, so if you’re peckish rather than ravenous, perhaps go for half of everything listed below.

Banana & Sunflower Seed Butter Snacks
Serves 1-2

1 ripe but not too squishy banana
1-2 tablespoons sunflower seed butter
Approx. 1 teaspoon chia seeds
1 tablespoon large, unsweetened coconut flakes
Small handful of chopped pecans or walnuts, if desired
Pinch of flaky sea salt

Slice banana in half lengthwise. Spread with sunflower seed butter, then sprinkle on coconut flakes, nuts, chia seeds, then salt. That’s it.  I bet little kids would like this if you sliced the banana in coins instead.  It’s also really good for breakfast with some black coffee or juice – something astringent or slightly bitter to cut the creaminess.

P.S. Running at dusk? Here’s a good tune for it: Mansions on the Moon – Radio

Starting Off the New Year… 8 Days Late

Decreasing procrastination is a lost and dusty cause on my list of New Year’s Resolutions, which reveals itself below as an amalgamation of annually recycled vows and a few new ones to freshen things up. I don’t feel bad about being eight days late for a number of reasons, a notable one being that on a recent work trip I survived America’s own autobahn.  Have you ever traversed the roads outside of downtown Detroit?  Along with a rich automobile culture, the residents seem to possess the innate knowledge of how to cross five lanes of traffic cruising at an easy 90 MPH to reach a left lane exit within 4.67 seconds. I thought I’d been exposed to a lot in New York drivers (aggressive, offensive, but reasonable), Boston drivers (aggressive, offensive, reverses down one-ways, entirely unreasonable), and suburbs of Philadelphia drivers (distracted, SUVs, meandering). Everywhere else I’ve been didn’t really seem to have its own breed. But Detroit, you proved me wrong.  Not only can your residents drive, but they can drive well at ridiculously high speeds.  And they aren’t all on cell phones. So hats off, and thanks for your patience when my rented Chevy Aveo could’t push past 60 without shaking.

For the resolutions, the main impetus behind posting them is to be held accountable. Usually they end up scribbled on the back page of an old notebook which I come across in late September of that year, sheepish but unsurprised 1.5 to 2 of them saw accomplishment. But now here they are, in electronic black and white. The pursuit of this year’s resolutions will hopefully spur additional posts that at least one of two of my sisters (are you still reading? Please still be reading!) will find interesting.

2012 New Years Resolutions
More greens, grains, fish oil, yoga (or at least consistent stretching)
Find a charity we really like and learn about/support it
Get through the documentary list on Netflix
Take advantage of the gym’s group classes and also learn how to do a proper squat
Re-grout the tub (this has been needed for so long it definitely makes the list)
Make a suitable sourdough starter
Make sauerkraut
Make and age some cheese
More live music (these gentlemen look promising)
Buy a lemon tree and bring it to fruition (haHA!)
Plan our trip to Italy
Get clothing tailored
Write letters instead of e-mails where applicable
Other stuff
Other stuff
Other stuff
…Decrease procrastination